Homecoming committee rock and rolls out 2019 pepfest

Oliver Hansen

OHS students show of their groupie attire for Tuesdays groupie day

Jasmine Ziegenhagen, Writer

Planning the extensive homecoming schedule is the very involved and committed homecoming committee. The homecoming committee is led by Student Council Adviser, Mrs. Sandra Justice. Starting in August, the homecoming committee meets every Wednesday through the week after the homecoming has come to an end. The committee consists of a small group from the student council with up to another 20 people outside of the council. If anyone is interested in joining the homecoming committee for the next school year, look for the student email in May to fill out the questions on google forms.

Looking from the outside at homecoming week, it can look like a fun side project, but it is actually a very large commitment. The committee is in charge of planning the pep fest and coronation, picking out a homecoming theme with dress-up days to coincide with the theme, the activity night which is beach volleyball at Lava Burger this year, the half time show at the game, as well as the set up and clean up of the dance. Mrs. Justice said, “It is a busy but fun week.” This is because it is a lot of time and patience to put everything together for homecoming. 

There are two students who are in charge of the homecoming committee, Grace Linders and Sydney Hunst. Together they assign everybody to take charge of certain events that go on throughout the week of homecoming. All of the committee members are in charge of everything but Hunst and Linders make sure that everything runs smoothly with as few problems as possible. Linders said, “My favorite part about homecoming committee is getting to hear all the great ideas from everybody as we work on the events.” Although the hardest part of homecoming committee is making everyone happy because as Linders said, “It will always be impossible to please everyone.”

When it comes to finding a theme, the committee meets up in August and makes up a list of about 115 ideas and narrow it down to three from there. In previous years they have had to decide rather quickly on the theme; however, Mrs. Justice said, “It was kind of a fluke this year that we were able to get student input.” The hope is that in upcoming years the homecoming committee will be able to continue getting input from the student body.