OHS has a sandy start to homecoming

Logan Norrid

The champions of the Homecoming sand volleyball competition is the Smurf team.

Jayden Omangi, Writer

Homecoming at OHS kicked off events with sand volleyball on Monday, Sept. 26 at Lava Burger and Wings. The sand volleyball event was a competition where students and teachers were allowed to create their own teams to compete in a traditional style volleyball tournament. Teams were very creative this year with their themes ranging from Minions taken from Despicable Me, to Smurfs to even a team with full animal onesies. Competition was fierce with all eight teams competing for the title.

This event had a lot of student’s participating and they all came prepared with high energy. Senior Braeden Leonard was confident with his team, the B Squad, coming into the event. Leonard said, “We saw ourselves at least getting top three in the event. We held two practices and that was more than any other team.” Clearly the practices paid off as the B Squad ended up taking first place home.

While the event was a success, a lot of thought and effort went into preparing so students and teachers could enjoy. Student council adviser Ms. Wendy Eggermont shared what went into planning the event. She said, “Some of the things that happened for the planning of the sand volleyball dealt with having to connect with Lava Burger and making sure that we have the space available for that evening.” OHS is lucky to have such a hard working staff. This event couldn’t have been held without their help.

Sand Volleyball was a success with both students and teachers alike. OHS hopes to see it again next year.