Cash Drive off to a good start
Student council kicked off the annual Cash Drive week on Dec. 2, with the ”Mangeant” and Sadie Hawkins dance. With these two events, they have raised $2,893.21, which puts OHS in a good place to beat the goal of $6,000. Mangeant winner Andrew Wall said, “It feels great, but it feels even better to know that we were able to raise nearly $3,000 for Hope for Haiti.” Throughout the week, there will be events hosted during lunches where students will be nominated by their peers to complete the challenges.
The goal for this year is to raise nearly $6,000 to help the people of Haiti gain clean water, and living quarters after a hurricane killed more than 1,000 people and damaged nearly 2,000 homes. One way OHS can accomplish this goal is through a little bit of friendly competition. Over the years, there have been competitions to see which class can raise the most money. The Class of 2018 has won the last two years, and the seniors are planning to change that. The point of this is to encourage a little bit of competition between the classes while also raising money. Classroom teachers and staff also help raise money by having competitions between their classes or within their department. Often times a reward of some sort is offered by the teachers, like no homework that night or a movie for the class.
Lunch time activities include the ping-pong ball challenge, karaoke or waxing. Monday, Dec. 5, marked the first time OHS has had a pep-fest on the new gym floor. OHS students were excited to see the new floor and finally have a pep-fest. The seniors were excited to have their prime spot for the first time this year. The pep band was there and in full force to play the school song and bring school spirit. This is the first time the school song has been heard in the gym since last year which brought smiles all around.

Spencer is a senior at Owatonna High School. This is his second year in the OHS Magnet family, and he has became the fearless leader of the team. Spencer...