Vote No
May 10, 2019

Yard sign from Vote No
Our staff members have some concerns with the referendum vote next week. Most students are voting yes, however, a few have shared their views on why they are voting no. The main concern is with the bond raising property taxes 11-15%, not including farms. A majority of 18-year-olds pay taxes and know how much of a struggle it is to be financially stable. In high school, it is hard to find a good paying job, and with advice from parents, thousands of dollars going into taxes just is not affordable to most families.
Money is not the only reason some students are voting no. Some think the current high school will last longer with some major renovations and improvements. People feel as though making corrections with a much smaller amount of money will benefit the community. Doing this, the location will remain the same, and the landmark will stay standing, which is a priority to the students.