OHS staff hand delivers cap and gowns to the Class of 2020
Senior Carson Dekam excited about receiving his cap, gown and yard sign
May 1, 2020
The Class of 2020 is facing the harsh reality of not getting to finish their normal senior year. This is the time of the year that they will remember forever, their last sporting event, last concert, last prom, commencement, and many other memories.
OHS Administration and staff have been working on different ways to highlight and celebrate the senior class. With this, on Friday, May 1, 62 OHS staff began hand-delivered cap and gowns, honor cords, and senior yard signs to seniors. They were delivered from 9-2 p.m from Northfield to Ellendale totaling eight towns. Staff was excited to deliver graduation items and see the class of 2020. They were giving distribution lists of their TMM groups, class rosters, and activity groups. Mr. Kath said, “They deserve the spotlight for all of their hard work and dedication and we know that everyone in our community will know we honor our grads by the display of yard signs.”
Although a workday for teachers, many reported to the gym for the task. Mrs. Nancy Williams said, “Everyone is pretty excited to just be able to do something for our seniors and have the personal touch of delivering the cap and gowns. We all volunteered to come in and do this. We each only have about 10 graduates that we are dropping off to.”
Students were thrilled to see their teachers come to drop their items off. Senior Kinsie Davison said, “It was exciting to see the school recognize us, seniors. I am sad that the school year is done, but it was cool that we can still have something special.” OHS seniors all enjoyed the comforting visit from their teachers. Senior Elise Sande said, “I thought it was sweet and showed how much staff cared about us. Even though it’s a difficult time for seniors, the teachers show that they care for us and wish us the best for our future.”
If no one was home, students should plan on picking their items up in the OHS Auditorium on Monday, May 4 from 12-3 p.m. If students still owe money for items they purchased, they can pay for them on that same day. May will be a month of honoring OHS graduates as they honor them with many awards, scholarships, and a commencement ceremony that will be historic.