Resilience, recognition, reward
March 11, 2015
The reality we perceive is the reality we accept. Students are likely to point fingers at the people perceived to be in full control. This misconstructed perception can blind us of what really matters. It is not our endurance through snowy days or the multitudes of programs that give us substance at Owatonna High School. It is not the lack of spicy chicken wraps or locked doors that give cause for concern. The cause for concern is our forgetfulness of our quality educators and staff surrounding us. Their effort gives OHS its substance.
The community does not forget. OHS administrators and staff have been honored by respected organizations. Assistant Principal Jeff Miller, nominated by the Southeast Minnesota School Counselor Associates, was awarded Administrator of the Year. Counselor Margo McKay placed as a semi-finalist for Counselor of the Year, being honored at the White House by the First Lady Michelle Obama. FACS teacher Denise Lage was recognized as FACS Teacher of the Year by the Minnesota Association of Family and Consumer Sciences. Last May, Wendy Stephani, a special education teacher, was awarded Teacher of the Year. This year, she has moved into the semi-finalist process for the Minnesota Teacher of the Year.
Our faculty is one held in high regards by the community, dedicating themselves to bettering our education and spending countless hours preparing us for whatever tomorrow has in store.
We would like to congratulate the finalists and award winners one last time. We also would like to thank every member of administration and staff for your dedication, your enduring patience with students and for all that you do without asking for recognition.
Magnet appreciates the honor of reporting school news, pointing out school issues, bringing to light the discontent of the students, acting as a bridge to communicate with the community and staff on behalf of the students. However, a much greater honor is to report the good we see at Owatonna High School. Magnet Staff looks forward to every opportunity highlighting the good in our school.