Who shaves in November?

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Jordan Jensen

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Jordan Jensen

Left: Mr. Prafke Right: Mr. Andrix

No-Shave-November is a trending concept. It gets a lot of attention but, not many people know how or where the tradition started and how it grew.  According to 99centrazor.com, No-Shave November originated in 2009 when a father in Chicago passed away from colon cancer. His eight sons and daughters searched for a way to start a movement against colon cancer, so they created the No-Shave-November campaign to honor their late father. It is a web-based, non-profit organization devoted to growing cancer awareness. They raise funds to support cancer prevention, research and education. The organization is funded by Prevent Cancer Foundation, Fight Colorectal Cancer and the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

The goal of the month,  more raising awareness for cancer patients and their hair loss rather than making profits. It has grown synonymous with a glorious time for participants of the campaign to stop shaving for a cause . Letting their hair grow wild and embracing natural hair for the ones that have lost that privilege can be seen as the cause for this movement’s growth. Many people can get excited about this time, and they like to see the impact that they make.

Money is raised by donating money that is usually spend on grooming. This is how the campaign is able to fund their education of the masses. Social media is also used for spreading the word. Another tool used is printing flyers and posting them in busy areas. The Prevention Cancer foundation has invested over $140 million in support of cancer prevention and research.

Some men also see the November tradition as a competition, and they may grow a beard just for the fun of it. Mr. Prafke said, “I always think I’m going to grow this big beard, shave it and make a mustache and it’s going to be funny. Then I’ll get rid of it because is gross. It’s all the bit.”

Some of the OHS students are even partaking in the fun. Senior Dakota Berger said, “I’m too lazy to shave and think I look weird when shave.” Although many students don’t know the reason they participate in No-Shave November many still take action. Senior Kadyn Mulert said “To show off my masculinity”.  No matter the reason, everyone can agree that raising awareness in a creative way makes a positive impact on any situation.