C.T. Vivian’s memoir released


C.T. Vivian speaking with the mayor of Nashville, Ben West Source:CBS

Janessa Moore, writer

Recently, an Alabama publisher released the late civil rights activist C.T. Vivian’s book. Vivian wrote his 224-page book, It’s in the Action: Memories of a Nonviolent Warrior with the help of Steve Fiffer.

Cordy Tindell, also known as CT, grew up in Macomb, Illinois. He later pursued a college education at Western Illinois University. Vivian’s first step into anti-segregation activism took place in Peoria at a lunch counter. He led many marches to Selma in 1965. He saw racism as a moral issue because that’s what aligned with his faith. His faith guided his career path and he eventually became a minister. In 1995, he and other ministers from the south joined to create the Southern Christain Leadership Conference (SCLC). The goal of SCLC was to get students on board with the idea of ending segregation in Nashville.

The SCLC is one of his many contributions to the civil rights movement. He worked with many other passionate leaders like John Lewis. They morphed many of these groups together and sent over 700 kids to college or helped them gain scholarships. He also went with the Freedom Riders to Mississippi where he was later jailed.

His book was written later on in life and some may consider it too late seeing that he couldn’t finish it all. Vivian’s life was full of many things related to social justice activism and his book is nothing short of what it takes to be a leader. He is a figure to look up to for years to come. His book is one of a kind even if he passed before he could finish it. With the help of Steve Fiffer, the book was finished. Mr.Alek Prafke said “ That organizing people to take action is a key to building something better. That social movements do have power when people unite together for a common cause.”

 It took publishers a while to put it out, but now it is available to read online or purchase at bookstores. It has a 5-star rating and many reviews as a good read. Vivian also has another book that he published in 1970 named the Black Power and the American Myth. Vivian was a man of many accomplishments and deserves recognition.